PROJECT: Deadline Manager

This portfolio serves to document my contributions to the CS2103T Software Engineering project - Deadline Manager. The project was developed by a team of 5 students in a span of 6 weeks.

1. Overview

Deadline Manager is a tool written for students in NUS School of Computing to better manage their deadlines and priorities. Interacting through a Command Line Interface (CLI), users can easily manage their schedules and focus on what is most important to them.

Written in Java, Deadline Manager builds upon AddressBook - Level 4, a code base originally designed to teach Software Engineering principles.
For more information and to do a test run, please visit our home page [on GitHub].

2. Summary of Contributions

My key contributions to the project includes:

  • Major enhancement: Added the ability to sort tasks of the Deadline Manager in a user-defined manner.

    • What it does: It allows the users to order the tasks using a user-defined sort expression. A single sort expression can be composed of multiple comparators, where each comparator is based on a certain attribute(Example - Name, Due Date, Priority) of the task.

    • Justification: This feature is critical to the Deadline Manager because if a user has lots of deadlines/tasks due and they only want to focus on the most important ones. The sort functionality enables them to view those deadlines which are more important at the top of the list followed by the those which are less important.

    • Highlights: The sort functionality supports chaining of comparators, which enables the user to fine-tune how they want to order the tasks. Example - If a user has a lot of tasks with the very close due dates, the sort function allows them to first sort by due date and then by priority. This sorts all the tasks by due date first and all those tasks with the same due date are sorted by priority within themselves.

    • Credits: Referenced Java Comparator Chaining and Regex fine-tuning

  • Minor enhancement: Implemented natural comparison for some of the attributes of the task (Ex. Priority, Name)

    • What it does: Allows comparison for the different attributes of the task. Primarily used for filtering and sorting of the tasks.

  • Code contributed: CS2103T Project Code Dashboard

  • Other contributions:

    • Project management:

      • Contributed to user stories on GitHub issue tracker (User Stories)

      • Manage milestones on GitHub

    • Significant modification of Address Book’s code base for use in Deadline Manager:

      • Renaming of classes and variable names from Address Book to Deadline Manager: #117

    • Community:

      • Reviewed Pull Requests (with non-trivial review comments): #71, #92

3. Contributions to the User Guide

Given below are sections I contributed to the User Guide. They showcase my ability to write documentation targeting end-users.

3.1. Sorting a list of tasks : sort

Sorts the lists of all the tasks which the user is currently viewing. Generally meant to be used in combination with filter.

When this command is used, Deadline Manager will sort all the currently displayed tasks according to the user-specified comparison method.
Sort comparators are the core of the sort command. Each sort comparator specifies a particular attribute (Example - name, priority) and a comparison direction, i.e ascending or descending.

The entire sorting command is composed of a chain of sort comparators. This chain helps the user to define which tasks to show earlier and which ones to show later.

The sort command results in a stable sort, i.e if two deadlines are equal according to the sort comparators then their relative order before the sort command and after the sort command remains the same.

What this means is that in case two tasks are in tie according to the first comparator, then the decision to place which task first is determined by the next comparator, and so on.


  • Format of a SORT_COMPARATOR: (n|name|d|due|p|priority|f|frequency)(<|>) OR (t|tag)(<|>){TAG1 TAG2 …​}

  • In the above format | refers to an OR. TAG1 and TAG2 are shown as example of tags that the user can input.

  • < stands for sorting in ascending order and `>' stands for sorting in descending order.

  • Sorts the list by the 1st comparator, in case of ties, it sorts by 2nd comparator and so on.

  • Meaning of the operators for each valid key:

    • When key is n or name, the task name is compared. The comparison is case-insensitive.

    • When key is d or due or deadline, the task’s due date is compared.

    • When key is p or priority, the task’s priority is compared. Note that the order is: Priority 1 (highest priority) > Priority 2 > Priority 3 > Priority 4 > Priority 0 (lowest priority).

    • When key is f or frequency, the task’s frequency (i.e. the number of days between consecutive occurrences of that task) is compared. A non-recurring task is treated as if it has a frequency of positive infinity.

    • When key is t or tag, the task’s tags are compared. In case < is used, it means TAG1 is placed earlier in the sorted order as compared to TAG2 and so on. For > it is vice-versa.

      For sorting by tags the user has to specify which tags are more important and which are less important.
    • Any other key will cause Deadline Manager to produce an error.


  • sort n>
    Sorts the current list of tasks in view in descending order by name, where sorting is done in alphabetical order.

Figure 1. Result of "sort n<" command
  • sort due< name>
    Sorts the current list of tasks in view in ascending order by due date, where ties are broken by descending order of names.

  • sort priority<
    Sorts the current list of tasks in view in ascending order by priority.

  • sort frequency<
    Sorts the current list of tasks in view in ascending order by frequency.

  • sort tag<{ cs2100 family cs2103t }
    Sorts the current list of tasks in view in ascending order by tags. In this case all the tasks with the tag cs2100 will be placed before those tasks with the tag family, finally followed by those tasks with the tag cs2103t.

  • sort n< tag<{
    This is invalid syntax since the curly braces have not been closed.

Figure 2. Result of "sort n< tag<{" command

The above figure shows the error message when user feeds in an invalid command.

In case a task does not belong to any of the tags mentioned in the sort comparator it will be placed at the bottom of the sorted list.
In case a task contains more than one tag specified in the sort comparator, then it will be sorted according to those tags first which place it formerly in the sorted list.

4. Contributions to the Developer Guide

Given below are sections I contributed to the Developer Guide. They showcase my ability to write technical documentation and the technical depth of my contributions to the project.

4.1. Sort feature

The sort command enables the user to sort the tasks currently being shown according to a user-defined custom comparator. It is made up of two main components - SortCommandParser and SortCommand

4.1.1. Current implementation

The sort command is facilitated by VersionedTaskCollection.

The sort command exposes the operation updateSortedTaskList to sort the task list.

It is the responsibility of SortCommandParser to parse the user input into a comparator which can compare between two tasks.

Then the comparator is passed onto the SortCommand which sorts the versionedTaskCollection according to the comparator.

A NullPointerException is raised in case the SortCommand receives a null comparator.

4.1.2. Sequence flow

Given below is a sequence of steps, illustrating the interaction between SortCommandParser, SortCommand and ModelManager

Figure 3. Sequence Diagram for executing Sort Command.
  1. The user executes the sort command along with providing a user-specified comparator.

  2. The SortCommandParser receives the command with the user comparator given as a string.

  3. The SortCommandParser parses the string into a valid comparator and calls the SortCommand with this comparator provided.

  4. The SortCommand calls the updateSortedTaskList API method of ModelManager

  5. The method updateSortedTaskList sorts the versionTaskCollection using JavaFx sort method

4.1.3. Implementation of sort parser

SortCommandParser implements Parser<> interface. The most essential portion of SortCommandParser, which is chaining of comparators is shown below:

public SortCommand parse(String args) throws SimpleParseException {

    Comparator<Task> comparator = Comparator.comparing(Task::getClass, (a, b) -> {
        return 0; // a default comparator which compares every task equal

    // argumentsArray is an array of strings referring to all the arguments given to the sort command.

    for (String arg: argumentsArray) {
        final String taskField = arg.substring(0, arg.length() - 1);
        final char comparisonChar = arg.charAt(arg.length() - 1);

        switch(taskField) {
        case "n":   // fallthrough
        case "name": {
            if (comparisonChar == '<') {
                comparator = comparator.thenComparing(Task::getName);
            } else {
                comparator = comparator.thenComparing(Taks::getName, Comparator.reverseOrder());
        case "p":   // fallthrough
        case "priority": {
            if (comparisonChar == '<') {
                comparator = comparator.thenComparaing(Task::getPriority);
            }  else {
                comparator = comparator.thenComparing(Task::getPriority, Comparator.reverseOrder());
        // ... consists of case for other task fields as well
    return new SortCommand(comparator);

4.1.4. Design considerations Aspect: Which task list to sort
  • Alternative 1 (current choice): The entire versionedTaskList is sorted using JavaFx inbuilt sort method.

    • Pros: Easy to implement.

    • Cons: Slow in performance.

  • Alternative 2: The sorting is done ONLY on the viewable filteredTasks list.

    • Pros: Fast in terms of performance.

    • Cons: Requires significant changes to the codebase since sorting the filteredTasks requires it to be modifiable. Aspect: How to sort for tags
  • Alternative 1 (current choice): The sort command takes in user input so that the user can specify the priority order of tags.

    • Pros: Provides immense flexibility to the user. Also follows Law of Demeter / Law of Least Knowledge since the Tag model itself does not know that it can be compared.

    • Cons: The flexibility comes at the cost of making sorting by tags complex for newbie users.

  • Alternative 2: The sorting is done in a pre-defined manner, example sorting tasks according to their alphabetical order of tags.

    • Pros: Easier to implement and simpler for newbie users.

    • Cons: Not useful for the user in many situations. Disobeys the Law of Demeter / Law of Least Knowledge since the Tag model will know that it can be compared with other tags.