PROJECT: Deadline Manager

This portfolio summarizes what I have contributed in a Software Engineering team project in CS2103T. Within 6 weeks, our team of 5 students has transformed an existing code base (about 10 kLOC) into a new application called Deadline Manager.

1. Overview

Deadline Manager is a Java application to help users manage deadlines. Besides basic features like add/edit/remove tasks and import/export task lists, Deadline Manager supports recurring tasks, complex filtering, flexible sorting, tags, and attachments.

For more information, visit [our GitHub page].

2. Summary of Contributions

  • Major enhancement: added the ability to manage recurring tasks in Deadline Manager

    • What it does: It allows users to add and complete recurring tasks in Deadline Manager. Users can use the add command with the frequency parameter (in days) to add a recurring task. To complete a task, users can use the complete command. Completing a non-recurring task will delete the task. Completing a recurring task will shift the deadline of the task to the next occurrence.

    • Justification: This feature allows users to manage recurring tasks, which are very common. The complete command provides a natural way for users to mark a task as completed.

    • Highlights: Implementing this feature requires modifying the Task class, the most basic class in the code base. A minor change in this class may take 4-5 hours of modifying parts of code which are dependent on Task.

  • Minor enhancement: added priority, frequency and removed unnecessary fields in the Task class

    • Highlights: Changes in the Task class take a lot of time because it is used at a lot of places in the code base.

  • Code contributed: [Commits]

  • Other contributions:

    • Reported bugs in Deadline Manager:

    • Reviewed Pull Requests (with non-trivial review comments):

3. Contributions to the User Guide

Given below are excerpts of sections that I contributed to the user guide. They showcase my ability to write documentation targeting end-users.

3.1. Adding a task: add

Adds a task to the deadline manager
Format: add n/NAME [p/PRIORITY] [f/FREQUENCY] d/DEADLINE [t/TAG]…​

A task can have any number of tags (including 0)
  • DEADLINE should be a date in the format DD/MM/YYYY. Examples of valid dates are: 29/03/2018, 29/3/2018, 1/1/2018. DEADLINE is a mandatory parameter.

  • PRIORITY is an optional parameter. If PRIORITY is not given, priority 0 is assumed.

  • FREQUENCY is an optional parameter. If FREQUENCY is not given, frequency 0 is assumed.

You can have two tasks with the same attributes!


  • add n/Homework d/01/01/2018
    Adds a task with name Homework with a deadline on 1st January 2018. Because PRIORITY and FREQUENCY are omitted, this task has priority 0 (no priority/lowest priority) and frequency 0 (non-recurring task).

  • add n/Assignment 2 d/1/1/2018 p/1
    Adds a task with name Assignment 2 with a deadline on 1st January 2018 with priority 1 (highest priority).

  • add n/v1 milestone d/9/10/2018 t/CS2103T t/Project p/2
    Adds a task with name v1 milestone with a deadline on 9th October 2018 with priority 2 (second highest priority). It is additionally tagged with 2 tags: CS2103T and Project.

  • add n/Clean the house d/01/01/2018 f/7
    Adds a task with name Clean the house with a deadline on 1st January 2018 with frequency 7 (this is a recurring task).

3.2. Completing a task : complete

Completes an existing task in the deadline manager. If the task is not recurred (the frequency is equal to 0), the task will be deleted. Otherwise, the deadline will be shifted to the next occurrence.
Format: complete INDEX

  • INDEX refers to the index number shown in the displayed task list. The index must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …​


  • clear
    Starts with an empty task list
    add n/Homework d/01/01/2018
    Adds a non-recurring task.
    add n/Clean the house d/01/01/2018 f/7
    Adds a recurring task with frequency 7. See Figure 3.3.1 below.
    complete 2
    Completes the second task in the task list. Because the task is a recurring task, the deadline will be changed to 08/01/2018. See Figure 3.3.2 below.
    complete 1 Completes the first task in the task list. Because the task is a non-recurring task, it will be deleted. See Figure 3.3.3 below.

Figure 3.3.1: Result after one clear command and two add commands
Figure 3.3.2: Result of the complete 2 command
Figure 3.3.3: Result of the complete 1 command

4. Contributions to the Developer Guide

Given below are sections I contributed to the Developer Guide. They showcase my ability to write technical documentation and the technical depth of my contributions to the project.

4.1. Add feature

The add command enables the user to create a new task with a name and a deadline. The user can also provide additional information including priority, frequency and tags.

Given below is a sequence of steps, illustrating the interaction between AddCommandParser, AddCommand and Model:

Figure 1. Sequence diagram for adding a task

Step 1. The user enters an add command.

Step 2. The AddCommandParser#parse method is invoked. The AddCommandParser receives the command with the arguments given as a string.

Step 3. The AddCommandParser interprets the arguments and constructs an AddCommand.

Step 4. The AddCommand with a Task specified by the user is returned.

Step 5. The AddCommand#execute method is invoked.

Step 6. The Model is updated: The Model#addTask method and the Model#commitTaskCollection method are invoked.

Step 7. A CommandResult object is returned.

4.2. Complete feature

The complete command provides users a natural way to complete a task: either delete a task if it is a non-recurring task or shift the deadline to the next occurrence if the task is a recurring task.

4.2.1. Current implementation

The complete feature is implemented by CompleteCommand and CompleteCommandParser.

After the task specified by the user is retrieved, the CompleteCommand will consider these two cases:

  • If the task is a non-recurring task, it will be deleted.

  • Otherwise, the task will be updated using the following formula:
    NewDeadline = OldDeadline + Frequency

4.2.2. Sequence flow

Given below is a sequence of steps, illustrating the interaction between CompleteCommandParser, CompleteCommand, and Model:

Figure 2. Sequence diagram for completing a task

Step 1. The user enters a complete command with the index of a task in the task list.

Step 2. The CompleteCommandParser#parse method is invoked. The CompleteCommandParser receives the command with the arguments given as a string.

Step 3. The CompleteCommandParser interprets the arguments and constructs a CompleteCommand.

Step 4. The CompleteCommand with the index specified by the user is returned.

Step 5. The CompleteCommand#execute method is invoked.

Step 6. The task identified by the user is retrieved from the Model.

Step 7. The Model is updated: If the task is a non-recurring task, Model#deleteTask is invoked to delete the task. Otherwise, Model#updateTask (followed by Model#updateFilteredTaskList) is invoked with a new Task where the deadline is updated.

Step 8. The Model#commitTaskCollection method is invoked.

Step 9. A CommandResult object is returned.